"To take the path of healing is to directly participate in life" - Stephen Levine
If you have never been to a chiropractor before or are asking yourself why seeing a chiropractor could benefit you, this blog was written for you! You are joining many of your neighbors and friends who have chosen a natural, drugless approach to overall good health. Chiropractic is the healthcare choice of the 21st century; it is an exciting new world of healing and health optimization!
People see their chiropractor for many different reasons. To some, chiropractic is a system of healing musculoskeletal problems; back, neck, disc, arm, shoulder, leg, hip, joint, nerve and muscle pain or discomfort. Others use chiropractic as a natural system of healing from many conditions including headaches, arthritis, asthma, PMS, menstrual cramps, digestive problems, nervous stress, etc. without drugs and surgery. Others use chiropractic as a method of keeping their health at its peak: for better sports performance, higher resistance to disease, clearer thinking, a more comfortable pregnancy, and more energy.
What if my structural system is unhealthy? A body with subluxations may be characterized by bad posture, tight and tense muscles, "pinched" nerves, bone and disc degeneration (arthritis), lowered resistance to disease, fatigue and overall body malfunction. Subluxations may be painless; you may have many accumulated in your body for years before you begin to feel their destructive effects.
What makes chiropractic unique is its vitalist approach to health. By that, we mean that we don't want you to wait for a "condition" or problem to arise before you address your health. We want you to correct subtle body malfunction (dis-ease) caused by subluxations now, while you still feel relatively good and have the energy to self-heal. If you wait until your body has massive structural degeneration, it may be too late for complete recovery.
Chiropractic care has proven to be a safe, natural and drugless way to good health for millions of people around the world. Please pass on this message to family and friends so they may come in for a checkup. It could make the difference between a life of health, energy and balance or a life of sickness and disease.